East Falls
Presbyterian Church
Sundays 10:30 AM

What’s Happening
Ashes To-Go
Pastor Kari and church leaders will offer ashes-to-go for anyone who wishes to receive ashes on Wednesday March 5 from 7-10am at Thunder Mug Cafe on Ridge Ave
Lenten Book Study
Join us for a discussion of Searching For Sunday by Rachel Held Evans Beginning Monday March 3rd at 7:30pm. The first discussion will be on the “Baptism” Section
Ash Wednesday Service
Join us for a join Ash Wednesday service at Oxford Presbyterian Church at 7pm on Wednesday March 5th. The services includes communion.
Oxford Presbyterian:
8501 Stenton Avenue
Join Us FOr Worship
Our Worship
Worship is at the heart of who we are and what we do at East Falls Presbyterian Church. We gather in the sanctuary each Sunday at 10:30, to hear the sacred story and to connect with God and one another in prayer. Our worship includes music by the Chancel Choir and prepares us to begin a new week in peace.
For Children
We offer nursery care for our youngest kids (through age 3ish) and Sunday School for older children. Children are also welcome in our sanctuary. We welcome their sounds, squirms, and gifts!